Sleep and memory are closely linked. The sketchnote below summarizes the two important roles played by sleep on our memory.
The text entitled “Mémoire et sommeil” [Memory and sleep], associated with this sketchnote, and the interview with the neurobologist Professor Robert Jaffard, will allow you to discover the impacts that lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep can have on our memory and aging. Reading these pages will also allow you to understand the benefits of napping and whether the French proverb “la nuit porte conseil” [the night brings advice] is really true! Dreams and nightmares will have (almost) no more secrets for you thanks to the article entitled “Mémoire, rêves et cauchemars” [Memory, dreams and nightmares] and the interview with Perrine Ruby entitled “Rêves, mémoire… et résolution de problèmes ?” [Dreams, memory… and problem-solving?], carried out by a medical writer from our group for the “Observatoire B2V des Mémoires” (B2V Memory Observatory).