Our team can monitor technology and science developments for you, at a rhythm that suits you, by querying the most relevant databases in your field. Our contract medical writers can draft different types of documents, including:
Keep up-to-date with developments in your field by entrusting our medical writing team to prepare your in-depth literature reviews. In addition to producing high-quality documents, we can also provide you with details of the methodology adopted during our scientific or medical literature search (queries, periods, inclusion and exclusion criteria, etc.), the databases consulted (MEDLINE, unreferenced publications, etc.), and, if necessary, the exact sources used (identifying citations by highlighting the exact phrase in the original document). As these literature reviews are not intended to be published in peer-reviewed journals, their content is generally much more in-depth and detailed than that of a review article.
The team at Santé Active Edition can use their journalistic know-how to produce your newsletters, making sure that the most important developments in your field reach the widest possible audience. You define the criteria, and we will perform the literature search and select the most relevant articles. The lively style we apply to the titles and short scientific summaries of each article included in the newsletter will engage your readers and ensure that your latest advances get noticed by clinicians. You may also wish to take advantage our alternative approach to scientific journalism: your news can be transformed into a sketch of your most important developments, designed by a graphical designer in a format and color scheme decided by you.