March 10, 2025
Brain Awareness Week is taking place from the 10th to the 16th of March 2025!
Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of brain research. The campaign was first launched by the Dana Foundation in the United States in 1996, and has since become a worldwide celebration of brain science.
In partnership with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and the International Brain Research Organization, the Dana Foundation provides funding to educational settings, hospitals, medical research, outreach organizations, advocacy groups, professional associations, government agencies, etc. to help them organize events that highlight the importance of brain health, show the progress being made in brain research, and inspire the next generation of neuroscientists. Visit the Brian Awareness Week Homepage to find out more about the events taking place worldwide.
In France, events to celebrate Brain Awareness Week (or the “Semaine du Cerveau”) have been taking place since 1999. The campaign is coordinated by the Société des Neurosciences, under the patronage of the Minister for Higher Education and Research. This year events are being held in more than 120 cities across France. You can find the program of events, as well as resources (replay conferences, podcasts, etc.) on the Semaine du Cerveau website
Brain Awareness Week is of particular interest to the team at Santé Active Edition – Synergy Pharm because two of our medical writers are involved in the field:
Our team has been working with Observatoire B2V des Mémoires for several years and in 2024 this collaboration gave us the opportunity to:
2024 also saw the publication of our 1st comic strip on mood disorders as a precursor of Alzheimer’s disease, produced with Dr. Florence Lebert. More comic strips will follow in 2025 and will be available on the Observatoire B2V des Mémoires website!
Visit our website for more information and examples of our collaborations on multidisciplinary textbooks, our sketchnotes, and previous news updates on this theme.